Turns out I’m not the only one whose feathers have been ruffled by Facebook’s advertising feature, Beacon. MoveOn.org has created a Facebook group to protest against Beacon’s invasion of privacy. The Facebook group includes a link to MoveOn’s petition to “respect privacy,” which hit the 20,000 milestone yesterday. After I wrote my first post on the topic, […]
Beacon: A signal of my displeasure
The saga continues… Instead of adding to my earlier post, I decided this whole Zappos-Facebook word of mouth marketing technique warranted its own post. I added the link to my blog post as a posted item within my Facebook profile, and a few hours later it appeared as a News Feed item, pushing the information […]

News flash: I bought shoes!
Last night I was stunned to find out that a shoe purchase I made on Zappos.com turned into a newsfeed item in my Facebook profile. I discovered this by looking at my profile and my first thought was, “Holy shiitake! How did that get there?” I was horrified and my knee-jerk reaction was to delete […]
JPWN – Social Media Diva
Toby Bloomberg was the speaker at today’s JPWN lunch. As always, it was a great event. It was interesting to be around so many people who are still learning about social media and thinking about how they can use social media tools in their personal and professional lives. In writing about my experience as a […]
One Year Later
I recently passed the one-year anniversary of my first blog post. I had every intention of posting something on the very day of my anniversary (which will go unmentioned here so as to avoid calling attention to exactly how overdue I am). But before I knew it, the day passed, and so did a week […]

KISS: Keep it Simple, Stupid
This AdRants post says the best practices for billboard advertising better than I ever could. What is the expression, “The more you add the more you take away”? (Or something to that effect.) I wish more billboard advertisers would heed the sage advice of AdRants imparted in the last paragraph: It’s unfortunate most agencies and […]
Heineken A Winner at the U.S. Open
I found this article in Forbes and wanted to talk about it before it was too late. Sports marketing is a personal interest of mine and this piece does a great job of showing how sponsors of the U.S. Open do more than just plaster their logos around the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center […]
Quick Update to an Old Post
In the not so distant past, I wrote about a creative website for an Atlanta agency, WestWayne. As one commenter pointed out, the agency was in the midst of a name change. They’ve rebranded themselves as 22 Squared. The name comes from the idea that, on average, people have 484 friends over the course of […]
L.A.’s Outdoors go Digital
Hello! We here at Marketing Through the Clutter are back from our summer vacation and ready to resume our critiques of the good and the bad of marketing in today’s busy world. Circa December 2006 I wrote about Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin vetoing plans by a few outdoor advertising companies to erect digital billboards in […]
Critiquing J.C. Penney’s Plan
J.C. Penney’s CMO calls out the dilemma of marketing clutter in his quote announcing the company’s “2007 Back-to-School” campaign: “While traditional marketing remains an important part of our approach, we are focused on incorporating new components into this year’s Back-to-School campaign that will truly reach youth in an authentic way,” said Mike Boylson, chief marketing […]