If you found this blog while searching for “Buzz Cola,” welcome. If not, that’s OK too. Earlier this week my page views spiked because of so many people looking for a place to get their Simpson’s paraphernalia fix. As I mentioned recently, I’d like to explore viewing emails on PDAs. Google seems to have this whole […]

Using Buzz Cola to Garner Movie Buzz
The post I wrote about select 7-Eleven stores being converted to Kwik-E-Marts is one of the most viewed pages on this blog. The magical conversion took place this weekend. Actually, only a dozen of the 6,000 7-Eleven stores have been made over to look like the fictional convenience stores of “The Simpsons” fame. But the […]

iPhones and Email Marketing
I took a quick walk over to the Apple Store at Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta today to check out the scene before the iPhone launch. At 1 p.m. there were upwards of 185 people there – and it was growing by the minute. I just purchased a new phone (a Moto Q) a few […]
X Doesn’t Always Mark the Age
Penelope Trunk had an interesting post yesterday about generational ID’s. You may think you’re a Baby Boomer or in Generation Y just because of the year you were born in. But, how about identifying with a generation by how they use various forms of media? Check out the test she put together and see if you’re really acting […]
Bad Advertising: It’s Not Me, It’s You
Heather at Microsoft posted the funny video below, which I wanted to pass along. It does a good job if showing how ignorant companies can be when trying communicate with their consumers. The dating analogy is perfect. This also seems like a good time to mention that I was FINALLY able to get Windows Live Writer […]
NCAA Regains its Senses
After a reporter was ejected last week for live-blogging during the College World Series, the NCAA eased up a bit and now permits live updates are OK, as long as what’s posted is limited to the score and time remaining in the game/match/whatever. Here’s the update and thanks to Joel Price for the tip. Nice to see that […]
You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig but not a Condom
Fox and CBS rejected an ad for Trojan condoms that was to have aired last night. In the commercial, a cellphone-toting pig hits on women at a bar. He is unsuccessful until he heads to men’s room, gets a condom from a vending machine and returns as a head-turning male in his 20’s. At that […]
SMC Meet-up does Alpharetta
Today I went to the Social Media for PR professionals lunch that Sherry Heyl organized through Meetup.com. Thanks for organizing it! Grayson Daughters led an interesting discussion, but I think some of the folks there needed a 101 lesson in the tools that were discussed before they could even think of applying them to their […]
About bats, balls and blogs
On Sunday, June 10, Louisville Courier-Journal reporter Brian Bennett was kicked out of the press box at the NCAA Baseball Super Regional for live-blogging during the University of Louisville’s 20-2 win over Oklahoma State en route to the College World Series. What led to Bennett’s ouster? Here’s how Josh Centor from the Double A Zone […]
This pep rally sponsored by…
I’m a day late, but there was a good article in yesterday’s New York Times about how marketers are targeting the population of high school athletes, which to my surprise, is 7.2 million strong. As a former high school athlete, this story is of great personal interest to me. My take-away from this story is […]