In Atlanta, Georgia, which is where I live, the food truck phenomenon is taking the streets by storm. Not a day goes by when I don’t get a Tweet or Facebook update on the location of one or more of these trucks. Each time, my stomach starts to grumble, and sometimes I even abandon my […]
Keeping mobile in mind for your email campaigns
You’ve designed a beautiful email, sent it at a time of day when you expect to garner optimal results, but yet there’s something you’re not seeing in the metrics that you’d expected. What’s missing? Did you take into account the segment of your audience who would be reading your email on a mobile device when […]

Facebook and Email: Part 2 of 2
As mentioned in my first post about using Facebook in conjunction with your email marketing program, here are a couple more tactics for bringing the two channels together. Do it “like” this We all want to be “liked,” right? In addition to sharing our emails, it’s possible to simply “like” them. Facebook’s “Like” buttons can […]

Facebook and Email: Part 1 of 2
For the sake of discussion, I’m going to assume you’ve heard of Facebook. But just so we’re all clear, it’s a “social networking service and website” (to quote Wikipedia) that connects people to their friends, family members, co-workers, etc. for the purposes of sharing information about their daily lives. But can it really help your […]

Fighting unsubscribes
At the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association’s February event, which focused on email marketing, “frequency” was cited most often as the reason why people unsubscribe from a company’s email marketing program. This statistic was anecdotal, but plays into the feeling a lot of people have: “This company is jamming up my inbox! Make it stop!” So […]
Email Marketing for a Journalist
I recently attended SoCon, a social media and social networking conference at Kennesaw State University, which is just north of Atlanta, Georgia. In the event’s opening panel discussion, one of the participants made a comment that set the tone for how email would be covered for the rest of the event – it was ignored. […]

Usability study takeaways worth noting
Welcome to 2011! Yes, we’ve been into this new year for quite some time, but this is my first note of the year and I feel it’s OK to kick things off with a hearty salutation. I’m going to begin this year by highlighting a recent usability study the Norman Nielsen Group conducted of email […]
Trick or treat, email-style
In the spirit of Halloween, this month’s installment is about email tricks and treats. No ghosts or goblins here, just a look at the good and bad of email marketing. No guarantees, but if you keep these in mind, you’ll have an increased chance of avoiding the “toilet paper in the trees” equivalent happening to […]
Getting to “send”
A recent project has me thinking about the importance of the process that’s behind the development of every email campaign. There are several important steps that need to be taken before giving the green light to hit the send button on any email. Here’s a high-level look at actions to take and things to consider […]
Email and WordPress
The Business of WordPress Conference taking place on Wednesday, June 23 has gotten me thinking about using email with sites built on this platform. (If you’re asking yourself, “What’s WordPress?” go to this site and check out the capabilities of this content management system.) So, if you’re a WP user or are thinking of using […]