When I created this blog, I had information such as this in mind: “As consumers, we see over 3,156 images a day. We’re just not conscious of them,” says Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst of the consumer research firm NPD Group. “Our subconscious records maybe 150, and only 30 or so reach our conscious behavior. […]
Archive | Advertising

KISS: Keep it Simple, Stupid
This AdRants post says the best practices for billboard advertising better than I ever could. What is the expression, “The more you add the more you take away”? (Or something to that effect.) I wish more billboard advertisers would heed the sage advice of AdRants imparted in the last paragraph: It’s unfortunate most agencies and […]
Heineken A Winner at the U.S. Open
I found this article in Forbes and wanted to talk about it before it was too late. Sports marketing is a personal interest of mine and this piece does a great job of showing how sponsors of the U.S. Open do more than just plaster their logos around the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center […]
L.A.’s Outdoors go Digital
Hello! We here at Marketing Through the Clutter are back from our summer vacation and ready to resume our critiques of the good and the bad of marketing in today’s busy world. Circa December 2006 I wrote about Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin vetoing plans by a few outdoor advertising companies to erect digital billboards in […]
Critiquing J.C. Penney’s Plan
J.C. Penney’s CMO calls out the dilemma of marketing clutter in his quote announcing the company’s “2007 Back-to-School” campaign: “While traditional marketing remains an important part of our approach, we are focused on incorporating new components into this year’s Back-to-School campaign that will truly reach youth in an authentic way,” said Mike Boylson, chief marketing […]
X Doesn’t Always Mark the Age
Penelope Trunk had an interesting post yesterday about generational ID’s. You may think you’re a Baby Boomer or in Generation Y just because of the year you were born in. But, how about identifying with a generation by how they use various forms of media? Check out the test she put together and see if you’re really acting […]
Bad Advertising: It’s Not Me, It’s You
Heather at Microsoft posted the funny video below, which I wanted to pass along. It does a good job if showing how ignorant companies can be when trying communicate with their consumers. The dating analogy is perfect. This also seems like a good time to mention that I was FINALLY able to get Windows Live Writer […]
Low Maintenance Messaging
Talk about a different approach! Atlanta-based WestWayne advertising has downsized its website to a single page resembling the classic “404 Page Not Found” page. This is how WestWayne’s page looks now. Most agencies try to blind visitors to their website with Flashtastic effects that are pretty self-serving. This is a very different approach and I’d […]

Give BearingPoint a Mulligan
I like Darren Rovell’s post today about the relevance of BearingPoint’s logo on Phil Mickelson’s visor. Well, maybe I should say “logic” instead of “relevance.” Having worked in marketing in the professional services space, I know that those products are really a relationship-based sell and not so much advertising driven. After reading in Rovell’s post […]
Nike “Thanks” Imus
Leave it to Nike to use the Don Imus controversy as the source for an ad campaign. In this print ad that began running on April 15, the sports apparel company has taken the comments made by the ugliest man on radio and turned them into an opportunity “…to move the conversation forward,” according to […]